At the time of writing this article Max Payne 3 has 1135
players currently using the online matchmaking service, which considering halo
3 currently has 18133, is somewhat pathetic for a multiplayer game wants to
push its paid DLC upon consumers, especially with Halo 3’s age.
I personally think that the reason behind this abysmal player
count is that absolutely horrendous multiplayer balancing, they completely buggered
up in multiple aspects of the balance that combine together to make this even
less balanced than MW2 on launch, a feat that is by no means easy.
First up is the peculiar take on the class system they took,
not only on levelling up do you unlock new guns, gear, and bursts but you also
occasionally unlock a higher carrying capacity for these things, changing how
much you can carry before being classified into light, medium and heavy. These
groupings determine your health and stamina regeneration, meaning that higher
ranked people can carry the exact same as a lower ranker but be able to run
faster, and survive longer, or in a lot of cases it means that they can just
straight up carry more firepower without any sort detrimental effect to them,
which completely screws the balance in itself, but that’s not all that’s broken.
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This coupled with the weight imbalance means that scenarios
can and will arise where an extremely powerful semi-automatic sniper can one
hit kill low levelled players because they simply cannot wear armour as well as
carry semi decent weaponry and retain a bearable running speed and health regen
rate, causing many one sided stomps to occur.
This then causes new players to leave the multiplayer aspect
of the game to stagnate while they play better balanced games instead, with
this kind of small playerbase making DLC that costs real money is pointless,
the amount of users that would be interested in purchasing it is low enough as
it is, and many of them may have noticed that the userbase is dying, and that
the DLC would be a waste of money for them, it appears that rockstar are aware
of this problem by changing the upcoming DLC from paid to free to coax players
back in to the game, but sadly the balance is screwed so badly that it’s pretty
much unsalvageable without a complete rework of the system which just isn’t feasible.
Rockstar should quit after these planned DLC packs and reassign the employees
to something not so pointless, I would say they should just quit now but that’s
the problem they get into when they offer a “Season Pass” style offer.
Map Packs are cancerous anyway
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